Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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International Office

The TBU International Office (IO) together with the vice-deans for international relations at individual faculties coordinates activities of the university in the field of international cooperation with foreign universities and organizations all over the world. The International Office is located in the building of the University Centre (TBU Rectorate, U13).

The International Office carries out the following main activities:

  • administration of outgoing mobilities of TBU students, academics and staff
  • administration of incoming mobilities of students, academics and staff at TBU
  • administration of online applications for degree studies at TBU
  • securing participation of TBU in international educational projects
  • development of international collaboration and supporting of activities leading to increased internationalization at TBU
  • promotion, establishing and support of relations with international institutions
  • presentation of TBU at international educational fairs and conferences, partner universities, cooperating institutions, embassies, etc.
  • preparation and implementation of joint study programmes (joint degree, double degree)
  • preparation and implementation of TBU Summer Schools
  • organization of international activities at TBU (International Day, International Week)
  • creating of international environment at TBU
  • spreading of the good reputation of the university abroad and increasing the prestige of TBU as an internationally recognized institution

The International Office closely cooperates with ESN Zlín, a student organization helping international students to cope with everyday tasks and organizing leisure-time activities in order to familiarize them with the Czech Republic and its culture.

TBU is the regional contact point for the EURAXESS project, which focuses on mobilities of researchers and students of doctoral and post-doctoral study programmes.

You can always contact the staff of the International Office with questions related to the international activities of TBU. We will always be happy to help you!

Would you like to express your satisfaction with the services of the International Office?
Please fill in a short questionnaire for students or staff.
Every compliment or suggestion for improvement helps us move forward.  We want to provide the best service for you!



Faculties and departments
