Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Erasmus+ is educational programme of the European Union for the period of 2021–2027, which aims to support cooperation and mobility in all spheres of education, training and in the sphere of sports and youth. It is the successor programme to the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Youth in Action programme, and others. For more information about Erasmus+, please visit official website.

A higher education institution must be a holder of the so-called Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in order to be able to join the Erasmus+ programme. TBU has been awarded the ECHE for the entire period of implementation of the new programme. TBU Erasmus+ ID code is CZ ZLIN01.

Responses to frequently asked questions concerning the programme are available here. Our new web portal xchange is a useful tool you can use to obtain information about mobility and institutions abroad. Useful advice and tips for your study period abroad are available on the following online portals: mladiinfo (in Czech only).

Students search for traineeships in companies abroad on their own. They can refer to the following links:

Students can also use the services of the Job Centre offered by our University to find a traineeship, and that by logging in to the Job Centre portal or by following the Facebook public group UTB Zahraniční stáže, stipendia, příležitosti.

A list of institutions where no traineeships can be taken is available here.


– EU member countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Rumania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

– EEA countries – Island, Liechtenstein, Norway

– Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia

Please consult your mobility in Switzerland with the International Officer in charge or with the Vice-Dean for International Relations at your Faculty.


  • A student may take part in a study period/traineeship at any time during his/her studies (i.e. in Bachelor’s, follow-up Master’s and doctoral programmes). The maximum period of time which student can spend on the Erasmus+ mobility is 12 months per the relevant cycle of his/her studies.
  • Previous study periods/traineeships within the given cycle of studies are added up, i.e. if the student has taken part in a study period/traineeship within the Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus (2021-2027) at any higher education institution, s/he can take part in the mobility again, but the number of months s/he has spent abroad on a mobility will be deducted from the maximum number of months s/he is allowed to spend abroad within Erasmus+.
  • The programme is not intended for students who came to study in the CR within the Erasmus Mundus programme.

The minimum length of a study period abroad is 2 months.

The minimum length of a traineeship abroad is 2 months.

Example: A student has spent 5 months on a study period abroad in the academic year 2013/14 during one cycle of his/her studies. Within the new Erasmus+ s/he can spend another 7 months abroad during the same cycle of studies, e.g. 5 months on a study period and 2 months on a traineeship.


Grants are paid to students in compliance with the Financial Agreement, and that depending on the amount of the lump sum per month of stay abroad (month = 30 days) and the length of the stay abroad. The duration of a traineeship is no less than 60 days and no more than 360 days. The grant amounts are set nationally; the grant is a contribution towards increased living costs during the stay abroad. Students are not allowed to go on a study period/traineeship to a country in which they have permanent residence, i.e., for example, a student who has permanent residence in Slovakia, cannot take part in Erasmus+ mobility in Slovakia.

Grants Intended for Student Mobility for the Academic Year 2024/2025 – available in Czech only

EU Tool for Grant Amount Calculation

It is necessary to enter the bank account number into the Portal in order to receive the grant. Grants are provided in CZK and transferred to an account held at any Czech bank in accordance with the current exchange rate of the Czech National Bank. If you enter the number of your account in EUR into the Portal, please enter the number into the box entitled “Bank account in EUR”.


  • The outgoing student who is going to spend a study period abroad must be enrolled in an accredited Bachelor’s, follow-up Master’s or doctoral programme at TBU in any mode of studies (full-time, part-time) and s/he must have duly completed the 1st  year of his/her Bachelor’s studies.
  • The student may be a citizen of any country; however, s/he has to study in the Czech Republic in an accredited degree programme.


1. Selection Procedures

  • Students can submit an application in the 1st year of Bachelor’s programme (if they intend to participate in mobility in the 2nd year of studies) or in the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s programme (if they intend to participate in mobility in the 1st year of the Master’s programme).
  • Selection procedures (SP) for study periods abroad are held annually at all TBU faculties in January/February (regular SP), or September/October (additional SP) of the relevant year (see websites of TBU faculties).
  • Student Application Form

In order to find information on how to complete the documents please refer to the instructions specified in the information leaflet (print the document on both sides of a sheet of paper, to be folded at the bottom of the page, and fold it) and in the Rector’s Directive No. 13/2023 – International Mobility of TBU Students.

2. Documents

Scanned copies of all the documents will be accepted except for the Grant Agreement.

Prior to leaving for a traineeship abroad:

  • AL – Acceptance Letter – document confirming that the student has been accepted by the institution abroad to take a traineeship there, issued by the receiving institution itself. The student shall request the institution abroad to issue him with the AL, which includes: Name and surname of the student, duration of the placement (from – to), a brief description of the student’s duties, signature of the person in charge at the receiving institution, stamp of the institution abroad.
  • LAT – Learning Agreement for Traineeships – to be completed before the departure
  • Insurance – the student shall arrange insurance at his own expense prior to leaving for the traineeship. S/he is obliged to arrange:
  • Accident insurance
  • Insurance of liability for damage
  • Insurance of medical expenses
  • Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Traineeships – concluded between the student and the International Officer in charge 3-4 weeks prior to the commencement of the study period. It specifies and confirms the amount of the grant to be awarded.

In order to conclude a Grant Agreement (3-4 weeks prior to the commencement of the mobility) please come to U13/161 during the office hours and bring the following printed documents with you:

  • LAT – Learning Agreement for Traineeships (signed and stamped on behalf of TBU and by the institution abroad)
  • AL – Acceptance Letter (signed and stamped by the institution abroad)
  • A document or a copy of the document certifying the travel insurance concluded for the duration of the entire traineeship abroad.
  • A confirmation of study at TBU for the duration of the study period abroad.

Online Linguistic Support (OLS)

Within the E+ programme, students are obliged to complete the OLS language test prior to the commencement of their study period abroad and again after their return, thus monitoring the enhancement or deterioration of their language skills during the mobility. The Language Assessment is OBLIGATORY. The Language Course is OPTIONAL.

The Erasmus+ Student Charter – the document highlights your rights and responsibilities and informs you about what you are entitled to and what is expected of you by the sending and receiving institution during all the stages of your study period/traineeship abroad.

During the traineeship:

  • Confirmation of Arrival – Departure – the student shall send the document including the start date of the traineeship within 7 days of arrival by e-mail to: outgoing@utb.cz.
  • In case of changes in the date of completion, in the person of the senior executive, in location of work or in the job description, please contact the TBU International Office immediately.

After completing the traineeship:

  • Confirmation of Arrival – Departure – the student shall send this document including the confirmed date of completion within 7 days of the completion of the traineeship by e-mail to: outgoing@utb.cz
  • LAM – Learning Agreement After the Mobility – towards the end of his/her traineeship, the student shall complete this document, which serves as a Traineeship Certificate. It is absolutely necessary to fill in this document in order to complete the traineeship.
  • Complete the OLS language test after the mobility – log in to your own OLS account.
  • Complete the Final Report – you will receive the web link from the EU Survey by email + complete the review at www.xchange.utb.cz.

In order to find information on how to complete the documents please refer to the instructions specified in the information leaflet (print the document on both sides of a sheet of paper, to be folded at the bottom of the page, and fold it) and in the Rector’s Directive No. 10/2021 – International Mobility of TBU Students.

Information for Students with a Severe Disability/Special Needs

If you have a severe disability requiring increased costs and would like to take part in a traineeship abroad within the Erasmus+ programme, you may be eligible for additional funding from the Erasmus+ programme intended for disabled students. More information in Czech is available here.

Application deadline:
30 June 2022 – for the mobility to take place in the winter semester or for the entire academic year
30 November 2022 – for the mobility to take place in the summer semester

Instructions on how to submit the application form:

  • The institutional coordinator shall check the data completed by the student. When calculating the cost of transport, catering and accommodation, it is necessary to pay careful attention to the difference between the common expenses and the increased costs due to the relevant disability. Only the difference between the two amounts (not the entire cost incurred in relation to the special services) represents the justified claim of the student applying for a special Erasmus+ grant. The budget calculated according to the above-mentioned instructions is the budget to be applied for.
  • The sending institution (higher education institution / tertiary technical school / conservatoire) shall submit the Application Form to the National Agency. The Application Form shall be signed by the institutional coordinator. The original copy of the Application Form must be sent by post to the address of the Centre for International Cooperation in Education by the relevant date (the date on the postmark is considered as the decisive date).
  • The application form must be typed on computer; hand-written application forms will not be accepted.
  • In addition to the application form, the student shall submit the following documents:
    • Medical examination report
    • Copy of the Disabled Persons’ Registration Card (provided that the student is a holder of such a card)
    • Erasmus+: Erasmus programme documents for the relevant type of mobility – signed Learning Agreement for Study Period/Traineeship
    • The Acceptance Letter in which the receiving institution confirms the acceptance of the student for the study period/traineeship and declares that it has been informed about the student’s state of health.

These documents shall be kept at the University. The National Agency can ask the University to present the documents and can thus verify the data mentioned in the Application Form.

Should you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact the International Office – outgoing@utb.cz.

Faculties and departments
